In order to be a next level quarterback, you need to have great footwork in the pocket. Capital QB’s & Certified Quarterback Coach, Ron Raymond, has listed some of his top footwork drills below and has provided one of his drill in the following video.
Capital QB’s was founded by Coach Ron Raymond in June 2011. Ron Raymond has played and coached the Quarterback position in the Ottawa area since the late 80’s. Coach Ron is looking forward teaching young athletes the key fundamentals and mechanics of being a champion quarterback of the future.
About Coach Ron Raymond
Capital QB’s was founded by 8-time champion Head Coach Ron Raymond of Ottawa, Ontario in June 2011. Coach Ron Raymond has played and coached the Quarterback position in the Ottawa area for over 30 years and has helped developed hundreds of amateur and university quarterback and players since he started the school in 2011.
Career Highlights
- 8-Time Regular Season and Playoff Championships Wins
- 4-Time City & Provincial Coach of the Year
- International QB Coach Team Canada 2012
- Ottawa Gee Gees QB & Receiver Coach
- Ontario Prospect Challenge (OPC) GM 2015-2017Capital QB’s Instructional Footwork Video
QB Warm Up Drills (EDD’s)
Before starting your footwork drills, we have our quarterbacks do their Every Day Drills otherwise known as “EDD’s” are a set of 15 second type drills to warm up the QB’s eye hand coordination.
EDD’s (Warm Ups)

- Ball Handling Drill (Around the Head, Waist, Hips, leg, figure 8, Straddle)
- Stance Twists
- Stance Scissors
- Stance Jacks
- Stance Squat & Jump
- Set Position: Side to Side
- Set Position: Alternate Feet
- Set Position: Front and Back
- Set Position: Jumping Jacks
- Set Position: Circle Bounce
- Jump Rope (1 minute)
- Spring Steps Down the line
*Coaching Points: During EDD’s, have QB’s focus on eye hand coordination and when doing any footwork type warm up, make sure QB are on the balls for their feet.
A – Footwork Drills
Drill #1: Linear Strider: In and Outs, Circles and Zig Zags
Equipment: Football & 7 Cones
*Coaching Points:
- 6 inch steps
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Flexible Hips
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
Drill #2: Figure8 Drill (Sanchez Drill)
Equipment: Football & 6 Cones
*Coaching Points:
- Follow Coaches instruction during Drill
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Push and Pull Technique with your Feet
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Flexible Hips
Drill #3: Stairway to Heaven Drill
Equipment: Football & 6 Hurdles
*Coaching Points:
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Kick Step up and across (Settle to balance)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
Drill #4: Hurdle Box Drill
Equipment: Football & 4 Hurdles
*Coaching Point
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Kick Step Up, Down and across (Settle to balance)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Don’t anticipate the move (Stay balanced inside the box, don’t lean)
- Pick up Knees
- Follow Coaches instruction during Drill
Drill #5: Down and Up Shuffle Drill (Manning Drill)
Equipment: Football & 7 Cones
*Coaching Point
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Plant and Push
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Flexible Hips
Drill #6: 4-Step Cross Over Drill
Equipment: Football & 4 Hurdles
*Coaching Point
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Flexible Hips
- Stay Balanced
- 5 yards spacing (20 yards in total)
Drill #7: 5-Step Drop Box Drill
Equipment: Football & 4 Cones
*Coaching Point
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Flexible Hips
- Explosive First 2Steps out from Drop
- Figure 8 Movements
B – Movement Drills
Drill #1: Sink and Release Drills
Equipment: Football and 4 Cones
*Coaching Point
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Punch Step & Explode (Front Escape)
- Dip & Rip (Backdoor Escape)
Drill #2: Florida Escape Drill
Equipment: Football & 6 Cones
*Coaching Points:
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Explode first 3 steps when escaping
- Rock the Baby when on the move up!
Drill #3: Half Moon Drill (Hash mark to Hash mark)
Equipment: Football and 2 Cones
*Coaching Points:
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Explode first 3 steps
- Cradle the Rock when on the move!
- Get to the APEX of the Roll out and get non throwing shoulder turned to target
- Elbow circle is your wind up!
Drill #4: QB Kick Step Wave Drill
Equipment: Football & Coach
*Coaching Points:
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Sink and Punch Step on Kick Steps
Drill #5: QB Zig Zag Drill
Equipment: Football and 6 Cones
*Coaching Points:
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Swing arms violently across body
- Quick 12 Steps on Turns
C – Circuit Training Drills
Drill #1: QB Hitch Drill, 5 Hurdle Escape, Uphill Downhill Clap and Throw
Equipment: Football, 5 Hurdles & 1 Cone
*Coaching Points:
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- High Knees over Hurdles
- Get non throwing shoulder pointing to target
- Keep 2 hands on the ball until Separation
Drill #2: Figure 8, Down and Up Shuffle (Manning), High Knees (hurdles close range)
Equipment: Football, 2 Hurdles & 6 Cones
*Coaching Points:
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- High Knees over Hurdles Close Range (Shimmy Throw)
- Twist and Pull Technique
Drill #3: QB Cris-Cross (Coach Claps), QB Drops Backs (Coach Claps), Hitch, Hitch, Escape
Equipment: Football
*Coaching Points:
- Stay on the balls of your feet (Knees bent)
- Eyes forward Chin up!
- Elbows in (No Chicken Wing)
- Quick Feet and explode on drops