Membership Plans

How to purchase the Quarterback Training DVD’s.

Once you’ve created an account, you must choose which training DVD you would like to purchase. Once payment has been confirmed, you will return to the members area page, click on the green button that says “Watch Footwork DVD” or “Watch Passing DVD”. Each training DVD’s are $25 each or you can get both for $40! Enjoy the drills!

[ncpaco_subscribe_link package_id=”2MLXL2J102″ text=”Footwork DVD 25 USD” class=”btn btn-success btn-block”]
[ncpaco_subscribe_link package_id=”2Y11US8FBB” text=”Passing DVD 25 USD” class=”btn btn-success btn-block”]
[ncpaco_subscribe_link package_id=”JFWHSFXE6A” text=”Both DVD 40 USD” class=”btn btn-info btn-block”]


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